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Ready for War, Defense-Capable - and Peaceable?

Dear readers, the German term “kriegstüchtig” (war-capable or ready for war) received the third-highest number of votes in this year’s poll for Germany’s “Words of the Year”. The German Language Society offers the following commentary: “Concerns were raised in the ensuing public debate about the potential for scaremongering and the risk of militarization. Nevertheless, it was also argued that a realistic assessment of potential threats and appropriate preparations are necessary to ensure peace.”

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Ready to Fight a War? Peace Ethics Reflections

Franz-Josef Overbeck

Simplifications and reductionisms are not helpful for the overarching goal of overcoming violence 

“Keeping the Peace”: The Logic of Deterrence and the Language of ­Military Capability

Paul Silas Peterson

From an ethical point of view, “war-fighting capability” cannot be an end in itself and must be considered in a wider context

Suddenly Ready for War? German Pacifism in the “Zeitenwende”

Timo Graf

Contrary to common assumptions, the majority of the German population is not pacifist 

Conscription, War-Capable Bundeswehr and Defensive Society in Times of Hybrid Warfare

Andrea Ellner

There must be a more informed debate on military service and civilian service to society 

Defense Capability – the Secret of Finnish Happiness?

Minna Ålander

In some respects, Europe can take the Finnish comprehensive defense model as an example

If You Want Peace, Prepare for War: Deterrence Today

Beatrice Heuser

Credible deterrence options are indispensable when dealing with an expansionist opponent

Special: Planning for Comprehensive Defense